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Panoram Kodak

The Panoram Kodak first appeared in the late 19th Century. It came in two forms: The No1 and the No 4. The No 1 has a 120 degree field of view projecting from a swinging lens onto122 roll film which delivered 6 shots per roll. The No4 has a wider 142 degree field of view projecting  onto103 roll film which delivered 4 shots per roll.

My camera is a late model (c1920)
No4 Model D.

The original purchaser could choose the lens design and quality. Mine has a Goerz 125mm F6.7 lens with Waterhouse stops. 

use single sheets of X ray film, swapping after each shot in a large film changing bag. Each shot is 12"x4" (30x10cm) and is a great size for making contact prints.

Shutter speeds are approx 1/50 and 1/100s. 

View my panoramic image collection here.

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